Meet Anna: Gluten Free Range Improvement
Muffin Break partners with PBCo for their Gluten Free range
Mufffin Break partners with Anna Hopkins, Founder of PBCo, to create their Gluten Free and low carb muffin mix offering for their customers.
This was the start of Muffin Break’s project to accommodate diabetics, where Anna progressed the ideation to meet our need.
Did you know that Muffin Break was able to create a take-home muffin mix to bake your muffins?
Part of the partnership with PBCo sees a muffin mix that is Gluten Free, lower carb and has no added sugar. It contains good natural ingredients, as part of Muffin Break’s commitment to add a little bit of goodness in the days of their customers.
Benefits of this amazing take-home mix:
- No Added Sugar
- 70% Less Carbs (*Compared to your traditional blueberry muffin)
- Perfect for Healthy Snacks
- Create YOUR perfect Muffin (This is a base Mix so you can add your favourites such as berries, coconut, nuts or Sugar-Free Chocolate!)
- Perfect for the kids lunchbox
Anna’s Journey
Anna was running her own cafe back in 2012 and started to hear her customers talk “Low Carb”. They were also starting to avoid carb heavy foods such a bread. In the name of research, Anna started to see what all the fuss was about.
Two weeks into her research, Anna was committed. She had more energy than she had in years, her mind was razor sharp, and she even lost a few kg’s without even trying.
importance of low carb
When Anna incorporated Low Carb into her diet, she noticed how great her body was feeling. She was energetic and 3:30-itis had disappeared from her day.
As a busy working mum, Anna could rely on my energy to be able to contribute her best at work, power through a few Bikram yoga sessions weekly as well as being the best Mum and partner.
It doesn’t have to be hard or expensive to stay in shape and feel your best, and you definitely don’t have to “miss out”.
Pop into your local Muffin Break store to try our improved Gluten Free savoury muffins, or purchase our take-home mix to bake for your friends and family.