Say hello to Muffin Mates, our loyalty program full of exclusive offers and
perks for you to claim. Download the app and watch the points come rolling
in. In fact, join today and you can score a free muffin or coffee. Yes, free.
The current loyalty program will end on 18 November 2024*.
* We advise that the dates outlined above are the anticipated dates, current at the time this notice is published. The dates are subject to change at the complete discretion by Muffin Break and further notice and updates will be provided at such time.
The new loyalty program will start on 19 November 2024*.
* We advise that the dates outlined above are the anticipated dates, current at the time this notice is published. The dates are subject to change at the complete discretion by Muffin Break and further notice and updates will be provided at such time.
Any rewards from the current program will expire on 18 November 2024. Please use your outstanding rewards by this date.
* We advise that the dates outlined above are the anticipated dates, current at the time this notice is published. The dates are subject to change at the complete discretion by Muffin Break and further notice and updates will be provided at such time.
Yes, all customers must register for the new program starting 19 November 2024. Registration will be via the new Muffin Break loyalty app, available on both Apple and Android devices.
Registration is simple. You can download the new Muffin Break loyalty app and register your details.
No, customers will not be able to register for the new program until 19 November 2024.
You need to redeem your existing rewards and free coffees by 18 November 2024, as they will not be redeemable after this date.
Yes, you can redeem multiple reward coffees on your card in a single transaction before 18 November 2024.
The current Muffin Break loyalty program is ending, and you need to register with our new program to continue enjoying the benefits.
We are enhancing the program to offer greater benefits and flexibility to registered members of the program.
You can get in touch with Foodco Customer Service:
Phone: 1800 622 338
Website: Muffin Break Contact
"*" indicates required fields
Muffin Break offers gluten free which are baked following strict procedures to limit cross-contamination.
Apart from our Gluten Free muffins, none of our other products have been specifically designed or tested for individuals with allergies or intolerances.
We strive to minimize cross-contamination. If you have a food allergy, please be advised that products may have been exposed to allergens such as eggs, milk, sesame, lupin, tree nuts and other allergens.
Yes! Every Muffin Break store offers soy, almond and lactose free milks, as well as full cream and skim milk.
For information on the ingredients and nutritional content of our products, please refer to our menu here. This information is based on our standard product recipes and variations may occur due to seasonal changes and supplier differences. Please note that any customization to our standard menu items may affect the nutritional content and allergen information provided.
If you have a food allergy, please talk to a member of our team before ordering, as recipes and ingredients may be updated from time to time.
We’re exclusively partnered with Menulog! Check Menulog to see if your local Muffin Break store has signed up. You can find more information and links to install the Menulog app here.
Every Muffin Break store is individually owned and operated. While Muffin Break have regional RRP, the final price is up to the discretion of the individual franchisee.
You can find out more on the Share the Dignity website and our blog.
Muffin Break offers gluten free which are baked following strict procedures to limit cross-contamination.
Apart from our Gluten Free muffins, none of our other products have been specifically designed or tested for individuals with allergies or intolerances.
We strive to minimize cross-contamination. If you have a food allergy, please be advised that products may have been exposed to allergens such as eggs, milk, sesame, lupin, tree nuts and other allergens.
Yes! Every Muffin Break store offers soy, almond and lactose free milks, as well as full cream and skim milk.
For information on the ingredients and nutritional content of our products, please refer to our menu here. This information is based on our standard product recipes and variations may occur due to seasonal changes and supplier differences. Please note that any customization to our standard menu items may affect the nutritional content and allergen information provided.
If you have a food allergy, please talk to a member of our team before ordering, as recipes and ingredients may be updated from time to time.
We’re exclusively partnered with Menulog! Check Menulog to see if your local Muffin Break store has signed up. You can find more information and links to install the Menulog app here.
Every Muffin Break store is individually owned and operated. While Muffin Break have regional RRP, the final price is up to the discretion of the individual franchisee.
You can find out more on the Share the Dignity website and our blog.
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