It was a trying time for them, emotionally, as parents. They were overwhelmed and constantly concerned about Ewan, but they also knew they needed to accept their new normal.
Having lived with t1D for so many years, John understood that type 1 doesn’t need to change your life. John and Natalie were both committed to ensuring that they could use new technologies that previous generations didn’t have access to, to set up an effortless daily routine to manage Ewan’s blood sugar levels.
As someone who believes in seeking out support in others, Natalie also opted to join JDRF’s Peer Support Program and later went on to become a mentor in the program, supporting families of children newly diagnosed with T1D. In 2018, Natalie was honoured to be recognised for her contribution in the NSW Premier’s Volunteer program for the work she does with the Peer Support Program.
MUFFIN BREAK solves a problem
Natalie was committed to Ewan not missing out on anything, including snacks that other children could consume without worrying about blood sugar levels. She understood that other parents also shared the same sentiment and wanted to ensure that Muffin Break could accommodate a low sugar muffin mix that was still tasty.
Muffin Break engaged Anna of PBCo to develop a new muffin mix. After trying multiple recipes and methods, we finally succeeded in creating a product that is low GI and low carb. We’ve even created a take home muffin mix for these families to enjoy tasty muffins in their own home environment.
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