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Career FAQs

Career FAQs

Here are some FAQs relating to employment with Muffin Break:

What is the minimum age I can work?

This varies state by state please refer to table below:

ACT Written parental consent is required to employ persons under the age of 15. They cannot work during hours they are required to attend school, but may be employed for up to 10 hours a week with a maximum of six hours per day. Hours of work are not restricted for people aged 15 to 17.
TAS There is no minimum legal age limit for starting work in TAS. However, persons under 16 cannot work during school hours.
QLD Persons over 13 years of age are permitted to work with written parental consent. Persons under 16 cannot work during school hours. They cannot work more than four hours per day and 12 hours per week during school time.
NT Persons under 17 years of age cannot work during school hours or between the hours of 10pm and 6am.
WA Persons over 13 years may start work as long as they have written parental consent. Children under the age of 17 must not work during school hours and must not start work before 6am or finish after 10pm.
SA There is no minimum legal age limit for starting work. However, persons under 16 cannot work during school hours.
VIC Persons cannot start work until they are over 15 years of age. Persons under 16 cannot work during school hours and may not work more than three hours on a school day. They must finish work by 9pm.
NSW There is no minimum legal age limit for starting work in NSW. However, persons under 15 cannot work during school hours.  If under 17, persons cannot work full time with the intention of leaving school without speaking to their Careers Advisor and applying to leave school.


How are my shifts communicated?

Every store is different ……….Shifts are communicated in different ways, the roster is prepared in advance and communicated via your manager this may be via text or a roster system. It will be your responsibility to be up to date with the roster and to inform your manager of any changes.

Do I need a tax file number?

To work at Muffin Break you will need a tax file number (TFN).  The TFN tells the employer how to work out how much tax to withhold from your wages. To apply for a TFN complete the online form at: https://www.ato.gov.au/Individuals/Tax-file-number/Apply-for-a-TFN/

Will I need a bank account?

Yes you will need a bank account number in order for payroll to deposit your wages.  Other details may include ‘Right to Work’ parent approval and Superannuation details. It’s worth gathering the details now. We make wages totally transparent. Should your child have any questions on subjects like Award Rates, Tax and Superannuation when they start with us, we’ll do our best to answer them at Email: hr@foodco.com.au

What do we mean by hours of availability?

These are the minimum hours that you are guaranteed, and are recorded on your letter of engagement. This applies to part time and full time employees only.

What process do I follow if I need time off from work?

Every store is different.

Employees should discuss the process for taking time off with their manager, as the process varies from café to café.  Some cafes will require up to two weeks’ notice, as our rosters are prepared in advance. All cafes will require this request in writing.

What documents do I need to sign up for my job?

Details and documents include:

  • Full Name
  • Residential address
  • Phone number
  • Emergency contact details
  • Tax File Number
  • Bank details including bank account number
  • Parent or guardian’s contact details (varies from state to state for age requirements)

How often do I get paid?

Wages are paid either weekly or fortnightly depending on the Muffin Break store. Payment is to be made via EFT into your child’s nominated back account. The store will advise on which day of the week this will occur. Pay slips are to be issued within 24 hours of payment being received.

Will I have to wear a uniform?

All employees will be provided with a uniform that must be worn whilst at work. Employees may be required to pay a deposit of up to $50 for this uniform, however, if this is the case this deposit will be returned when the uniform is returned in a satisfactory manner. All employees are expected to look after and maintain their uniform, so that they are clean and tidy when at work. Please note you will need to provide your own non slip, black, enclosed shoes, and black pants.

Who do I contact if I have any questions?

We are here for you and can be contacted by email hr@foodco.com.au.

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